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Our Process

The National Credit Fixers Process

If you have looked through our website, you have seen all the information that we provide about credit repair. From FICO factors to 623 letters, we have provided you with the information that we use every day to fix people’s credit! We hope that we have established ourselves as knowledgeable experts in the art of credit repair, and with 17 years of experience we consider ourselves industry leading credit repair specialists. But it is important to understand the process that you will go through when you sign up for our services. We have perfected this process over the years, and have specialized staff who are superbly trained for their step in the process.



Step 1: The Free Consultation

The process begins with a free consultation. You can come in to the office for this or if you were referred to us you may call us. If those two situations do not apply we will consult with you through our chat platform due to a Federal regulation called the Telephone Sales Rule. You will communicate with a credit repair specialist. These specialists are highly trained in the art of credit repair, and will give you a free consultation. This isn’t just a listing of talking points, however. During your consultation, you can provide us with a copy of your credit report. Or, if you like, we can help you to pull a copy which will usually cost you $1 paid directly to the service who provides the report to you. At that point, you will work with the credit specialist during your consultation to identify problematic items on your credit report, and the best way to solve them.


Step 2: The Signup

At the end of your free consultation, your credit repair specialist will explain to you our different service packages. Each option includes the same credit repair, but varies based upon the amount of items  you need removed. All of our service packages are backed by our NCF Warranty. All work with National Credit Fixers is done through a signed contract.  We will provide you the proper disclosures and a contract for you to review and sign. 


Step 3: Processor Assignment and Starting Work

Once we receive your startup information, we assign you a processor who will handle your account. This processor is in charge of – you guessed it – processing the forms, letters, and databases that we use for your credit repair. At the start, the processor does some preliminary non-credit repair work, including compiling a list of your negative items, and opting you out of the national opt-out registry.


Step 4: Main Work Period and Updates

Once your processor has your account started, you will proceed along our tested credit repair process. Your credit repair specialist will personalize a ‘plan of attack’ for each item on your credit report. Then, its the processor’s job to put this plan into action. They will draft dispute letters623 letters, and more for your account. We send out disputes at precise and predetermined times, not simply at random like other companies! We send out our letters in one month increments – that way we can catch any creditor who fails to respond in the mandated 30 day interval! In addition, we have set dates for us to review your account to make sure that items are indeed coming off the reports – we pull a report from each bureau every month and comb through it by hand! Better yet, you aren’t simply left in the dark to wait like many companies will do. Rather, we keep you updated at every step of the process – every week in fact! We will send you an email summarizing each week’s goals and achievements, and answering many of our most common questions. In addition, you can always log into our website to see a detailed report of what we have gotten off your credit report, and what remains. But of course, because we aren’t an automated dispute mill, you can always call and ask if you have a specific question for your processor!


Step 5: Finishing Work and Close Out

After we have diligently worked on your account for the time specified in your contract, we begin a closing review process of your account. We make sure that all of your accounts have been properly and completely disputed, and that we have achieved a good deletion rate for these items. Once our work has been verified, you will be sent a final update with your stellar results, a goodbye letter, and a request to recommend us to friends and family!


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